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How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case


In today’s society, we use social media to post about our day-to-day activities, stay connected with friends, and be informed about current events. However, when it comes to pursuing a personal injury claim, social media activity can do more harm than good.

Since insurance companies hire private investigators to keep tabs on those seeking compensation, they will also thoroughly scour claimants’ social media accounts to see if they come across anything that may cast doubt on the victim’s injuries.

The following are several ways social media can hurt your personal injury case:

Contradicting Your Injury

Posting pictures of strenuous activities such as running or swimming or even going out with your friends for drinks can be used by the insurance adjuster to challenge the severity of your injury.

Comments from friends asking about your health may seem harmless, but answering them can actually be unintended traps. For instance, answers such as “I’m getting better day by day” or “slowly but surely” can potentially devalue your claim.

Undermining Your Prospective Damages

Noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering, as well as emotional distress, can be compromised by social media activity. Your social media posts can help determine the extent of your damages.

If you post about enjoying life events or vacations after your injury, it might suggest that your quality of life has not been significantly impacted. For example, if you post a photo of your vacation, it may raise questions about the depression or anxiety you claim to be coping with.

Impacting Your Credibility

Your social media posts can shape how you and your credibility are perceived. If you post content that is negative, offensive, or inappropriate about the case proceedings or the accident itself, it could harm your credibility and damage your chances of a favorable outcome.

It's important to be aware of your privacy settings on social media platforms. While you may think your posts are private, they can often be accessed by others, including opposing counsel. Consider adjusting your privacy settings to limit who can view your content.

Social Media Isn’t All Bad

Just as the opposing counsel can use your online information and posts, you can leverage online content. In addition to being useful for evidence gathering, your social media network might connect you with witnesses who saw the accident or have relevant information. You can also gain support for navigating life after the accident. Sharing your experience with friends and family or connecting with communities of people with similar experiences can provide emotional support and encouragement during a difficult time.

How to Use Social Media Wisely

Social media doesn’t have to hurt your case. Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Limit public posts.
  • Be mindful of what you post.
  • Ask family and friends to avoid posting and you and the case as well.
  • Do not speculate about the case or other parties involved in the accident online.

Let Us Help You Avoid Potential Pitfalls

If you suffered an injury in South Carolina that was caused by a negligent party, Pierce, Sloan, Kennedy & Early LLC is here to offer reliable counsel. From helping you understand your options to calculating your damagings, reviewing your social media to identify potentil inconsistencies, and helping you develop a strategy, you can trust us to help you navigate your claim.

We represent clients in a variety of cases, including:

Get in touch with us to get started on your case today by calling (843) 968-0886.

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